The state government has provided Rs 4 lakh to 1,279 NDFB members who have laid down their arms

 The state government has provided Rs 4 lakh to 1,279 NDFB members who have laid down their arms.

The Government of Assam, through the Rehabilitation Scheme, provides Fixed Deposit Certificates of Rs. 4 lakh to 1269 returnees.

 On January 26, 2020, all the NDFB factions as well as many other major national organizations signed BTR agreements with the Central and State Governments. The BTR agreement has sparked several decades of large-scale land violence. The Government of India pays a one-time payment of Rs.

At the time of the BTR agreement, 1,615 members of the four NDFB factions had surrendered. The top leadership of the NDFB, including Ranjan Daimari, Govinda Basumtari and B Charaigaura, took up arms and came to the forefront. The Government of Assam, through the Rehabilitation Scheme, provides Fixed Deposit Certificates of Rs. 4 lakh to 1269 returnees. Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonawale, who was present at the financial aid function, congratulated all the participants and hoped that they would be able to provide their financial support. It also calls for immediate action to be taken to ensure speedy implementation of the BTR Agreement.

On the other hand, Chief of Police, Bhaskarajyoti Mohanty, said that the former extremist members could support themselves by taking a loan of Rs 4 lakh from a bank, whether by farming or doing other business. It also warns that if a person engages in criminal activity, he or she will be punished more severely than a normal offender.

BTR chief Pramod Baro, Deputy Chief Executive Govinda Basumatari, who was present at the financial assistance program, hoped that the government's action would help maintain peace in the BTR region and not just the people returning to the mainstream.

Attending the function, 4corps GOC Lieutenant General Santanu Dayale pledged support to the Government of Assam and the police for the full establishment of the Indian Army ex-extremist members.


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